It is a priority of Black Family Values to ensure safe messaging in all of its communications. This includes videos and written content that are posted on the Black Family Values website, shared through its social media channels, or otherwise distributed to the public.

To that end, Black Family Values reserves the right to determine, in its sole discretion, whether any particular item submitted to it may be inappropriate for sharing with the public, and to thus discontinue or decline to share that item through its website, social media channels, or otherwise.

All videos and written content submitted to the Black Family Values for inclusion on its website are screened internally to determine, in the sole opinion of Black Family Values whether the item includes “unsafe” messaging. However, the staff and volunteers of Black Family Values will makes every reasonable effort to limit the distribution of content that it believes would be considered “unsafe.”

Black Family Values may discontinue or decline to share a video or written content submitted to it for reasons including, but not limited to:

— the item contains offensive, vulgar or violent content;
— the item is perceived as being insensitive to or exploiting black family unity;
— the item misrepresents data about issues pertaining to African Americans or the black family; or
— a variety of other reasons that may lead a person to experience mental, psychological, emotional or physical harm.

If Black Family Values has discontinued or declined to share your video or written content, yet you feel that doing so was inconsistent with the policy set forth above, then please contact Black Family Values at with an explanation as to why you believe Black Family Values should reconsider. Any such communications will be evaluated by Black Family Values, and addressed promptly.